Monday, October 31, 2011

Türkiye Bilişim Derneği Mobil Uygulama ödülü Fly Turkish'in!

Ankara'da gerçekleşen 28. Ulusal Bilişim Kurultayı bünyesinde Bilişim Hizmet ödülleri sahiplerini buldu. Hem yurtiçi hem de yurtdışı konuşmacılara ev sahipliği yapan tören, kamu ve özel sektörün yönetici ve çalışanlarını, sanayici ve işadamlarını, akademisyenleri, girişimcileri ve öğrencileri bir araya getirdi.

Pozitron tarafından Türk Hava Yolları için geliştirilen Fly Turkish uygulaması kullanıcıların mobil üzerinden kolaylıkla bilet satın almasına, rezervasyon ve check-in yapmasına yardımcı olur. Fly Turkish uygulaması zengin içeriği ve sunduğu kolaylıklar sayesinde TBD "En İyi Mobil Uygulama" ödülünün sahibi oldu. Fly Turkish uygulaması ile THY uçuşlarınızla ilgili ihtiyacınız olan tüm işlemler parmaklarınızın ucunda.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Improving Our Skills Even More with the Java Conference

Our software development team leader, Eren Bekar, attended Java One conference in San Francisco the past month. Industry's long-awaited conference hosted thousands of developers from all around the globe. The four day conference was packed with technical and inspirational presentations, hand-on sessions and networking opportunities for the Java enthusiasts. Oracle Chief Architect Richard Bair, Intel Vice President Doug Fisher, Oracle Vice President of Development Adam Messinger, and Juniper Networks Chief Architect David Ward were among the keynote speakers. According to our software development team leader, some of the most-thought provoking sessions were "Rethinking Best practices with java EE 6", "Java Unleashed '2': More JVM Tuning from the Pros", and "Do you really get class loaders?".

Friday, October 21, 2011

Pozitron at Webrazzi Summit

Webrazzi Summit took place in Point Hotel Barbaros on October 19. Webrazzi Summit, being one of the largest digital sector events, hosted hundreds of professionals as well as numerous speakers from both Turkish and International Companies.

Important names such as Robin Wauter of TechCrunch, Mike Read of ComScore Europe, Roland Manger of Earlybird Venture Capital, Ryan Linton of Zynga, Christian Hernandez Gallardo of Facebook and many more. The discussion topics included Social Media, Mobile Applications, e-Commerce, Investments, Online Gaming and Digital Marketing.

Fatih Isbecer participated in the summit with a presentation called "Deep Dive into Mobile Ecosystem and Platforms". Isbecer discussed the future of mobile world, the race between different platforms, change in the power dynamics in the mobile world and all other aspects of mobile ecosystem. Isbecer's both informative and humorous presentation received a lot of attention from the listeners.

Please click the following link to see the whole presentation

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Stanford Recognizes Pozitron as a Global Affiliate

Each year, Endeavor recruits MBA students from leading US business schools to spend 10 weeks during the summer working on-site with Endeavor entrepreneurs as "eMBAs". This summer, Pozitron hosted two students via Endeavor eMBA program one from Stanford, Sandeep Kagzi, and another fron INSEAD, Ashay Shah . Participants of the eMBA program worked with Pozitron employees on a daily basis. According to their specialties, they assisted the company on finances, marketing, global partnerships and strategies.

Endeavor ranks among the top 2% of recruiters at Stanford and Harvard Business School. Stanford Graduate School of Business especially encourages its students to gain hands-on work experience in foreign countries. Actually these global experiences are a part of the curriculum. By hosting students from all around the globe, Pozitron strengthens international bonds and enables cultural exchange. With the success Pozitron gained from the support it provided to Stanford University, it is recognized as a Stanford Global Affiliate.
Check out Ashay's Endeavor blog to find out more about his experience in Pozitron and Turkey:

Monday, October 10, 2011

Turkey's Mobile Banking Platform

The number of mobile banking users in Turkey has reached 1 million in 2011. These users performed almost 1.5 million financial and 2.5 million non financial transactions from March '11 to July '11. The monthly transaction volume on mobile banking platform has reached 500 million Turkish Liras and expected to increase gradually. Investment transactions are the most frequent activity with the highest transaction volume. In three months approximately 150,000 investment transactions were performed and the volume of these transactions were nearly 850million TL.

Currently there are 11 banks with mobile banking applications in Turkey and 5 of them chose to work with Pozitron. Till today, 50 million secure transactions have been actualized using Pozitron technology. Our banking applications are not only limited to performing financial transactions. User can also benefit from features like ATM locators, deal finders, mortgage and loan calculators.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Bilişim Zirvesi 2011

3-5 Ekim 2011 tarihlerinde İstanbul Kongre Merkezi'nde gerçekleştirilen Türkiye ICT Summit Eurasia-Bilişim Zirvesi'nin bu yılki konusu "Sınırlar Kalkıyor"du. Etkinliğin 3. gününde yeralan Mobilişim Konferansı bünyesindeki "Mobil Dünyada Ar-ge ve İnovasyon" isimli panelde Pozitron CEO'su Fatih İşbecer konuşmacı olarak yer aldı.

Oksijen Ar-ge Genel Müdürü Arda Özgün, Prime Danışmanlık'ın Ar-Ge Teşvikleri ve Kurumsal Hizmetler Koordinatörü Banu Atalay, Veriser İletişim Genel Müdürü Barış Bulut ve Browse2 Go İş Geliştirme Müdürü Mustafa Dağdelen panelde yer alan diğer isimler. Novida Stratejik Yönetim Hizmetleri Kurucusu ve Genel Müdürü Işık Aydın Deliorman başkanlığında gerçekleştirilen panelde, Türkiye'de ve dünyada Ar-Ge standartları arasındaki farklılıklar, mobil sektöründeki gelişmeler ve Türkiye'de girişimcilik ve başarılı olmak için dikkat edilmesi gerekenler gibi konular tartışıldı.

Fatih İşbecer panel sırasında sık sık iyi bir ekiple çalışmanın ve sektördeki gelişmeleri sürekli takip etmenin önemini vurguladı. Ayrıca mobil sektörünün parçalanan bir pazar olduğuna değinen İşbecer bunun seri hareket eden firmalar için bir dezavantaj değil, çok büyük bir fırsat olduğunu vurguladı.

Pozitron Attended International Symposium on Electronic Art

Pozitron design team member Arda Erdoğan recently attended the 17th International Symposium on Electronic Art. ISEA was initiated in 1988 in order to support the founding and maintenance of an international network of organizations and individuals active in the field of electronic arts.

ISEA presents a opportunity to network with other professionals and gather information on different aspects of electronic arts. Arda participated in "Mobile Tagging as Tools for Augmented Reality" and had a chance to chat with the workshop leader Prof. Martha Gabriel. The objective of this workshop was to describe the potentials of mobile tagging (2D barcodes like QR Codes) as a tool for increasing and spreading the effects of mixed realities in daily life. The major benefits of QR Codes are; providing sustainability by diminishing paper usage, and a faster way to access data.

QR Codes are already being used by Pozitron technology for mobile ticketing in THY and Biletix applications. In the near future, we are planning on implementing more mobile tagging tools to create virtual and mixed realities in our applications.