Pozitron has released Turkey's Is Bank's mobile banking application ISCEP (işcep) for Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch.
IsCep, the mobile banking application of Türkiye İş bankası (Isbank) launched in 2007, already among the world's pioneering and most sophisticated m-banking applications is now brought to iPhone & iPod Touch users with its rich graphical design and touchscreen user interface...
Mobile Banking on Iphone lets iPhone consumers manage their finances, including checking balances and transaction history, investment transactions, stock trading, foreign currency purchase/sale, transferring funds, receiving offers, viewing and paying bills and applying for loans.
ios 3 ve ios 4 de m devlet araç sorgulama calışırken,iphone ios 5.0.1 sürümünde sistem araç sorguyu açmıyor direk geri atıyor.yardımlarınızı bekliyorum.sonertufan1@hotmail.com